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Pet Bucket Blog

Dangerous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

 by petbucket on 06 Jan 2016 |
1 Comment(s)
Many dog owners are unable to resist those pleading eyes at dinnertime and give in by feeding their pooch scraps of human food. What you may not realize is, some foods that are perfectly healthy for humans could be dangerous or even toxic to your dog. Here are some foods your dog should never eat:
Apple Cores
The casing around apple seeds contains a chemical that releases poisonous cyanide when eaten. Symptoms of cyanide poisoning include dizziness, breathing problems, hyperventilation, unconscious collapse, seizures, shock, and coma.
Always remove the core and seeds of apples before feeding them to your dog. Incidentally, the seed casings in peaches, pears, and apricots also contain the same poisonous compounds as apple cores.
Avocados contain persin, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, breathing difficulties, fluid in the lungs, and heart congestion in dogs.
Coffee contains a stimulant known as methylated xanthine, which stimulates your dog's nervous system and causes vomiting and heart palpitations.
Chocolate can be toxic to dogs, as it contains theobromine and theophylline. Some brands may also contain caffeine. Signs of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, muscle tremors, abdominal pains, irregular heartbeat, elevated body temperature, seizures, and damage to your dog's heart and nervous system.
Cooked Bones
Cooked bones can easily splinter as your dog chews on them. Splintered bones can lacerate the mouth, gums, throat, esophagus, stomach, or intestines, all requiring expensive veterinary treatment.
Garlic is part of the onion family, so it contains toxins that are dangerous to dogs. Garlic can cause anemia and damage to red blood cells in dogs. However, some vets may tell you that small amounts are OK to give your dog. It's best to discuss this with your vet if you're unsure.
Grapes and Raisins
Grapes contain a specific toxin that can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure in dogs. Other symptoms of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and lack of appetite.
One of the ingredients used to make beer can be toxic to your dog. Signs of hops poisoning include increased heart rate, fever, seizures, and death.
Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can cause damage to your dog's digestive system, nervous system, and muscle systems. Other signs of macadamia toxicity include weakness, tremors, and swollen limbs.
Onions are extremely poisonous for dogs, no matter what form they're in. Raw, cooked, dried, or powdered onion all contain disulfides and sulfoxides, both of which can cause anemia and damage red blood cells.
Always check the label on any foods you intend to feed your dog, such as baby food, to ensure it doesn't contain onion powder or other forms of onion.
Stone Fruits
Any fruit containing a stone or large pit can be highly dangerous to your dog. Fruit such as apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, or nectarines can all cause gastrointestinal blockages or bowel obstructions if the pit is swallowed by your dog.
Xylitol is an artificial sugar substitute often used in candies, baked goods, pre-packaged weight loss foods, chewing gum labeled as 'sugar-free', and some other foods. While it seems to be safe for people, even small quantities of xylitol can be extremely harmful to your dog. Signs of xylitol poisoning in dogs include weakness, loss of coordination, trembling, seizures, hypoglycemia, liver failure, and death.
Use Caution: Peanut Butter
In most cases, peanut butter is completely fine to give to your dog. Peanut butter is ideal for disguising tablets or for creating homemade tasty dog treats. However, some brands use artificial sweetener, so it's important to check the label and be sure the brand you buy is xylitol-free.
Use Caution: Raw Fish
Some types of raw fish can be infected with neorickettsia helminthoeca. The bacteria can sometimes be found in raw salmon or trout, and can be fatal if not treated properly. However, cooked salmon and trout are safe.
Use Caution: Dairy Foods
Dogs are lactose intolerant. They simply don't have the enzymes required to break down lactose found in dairy products.  Feeding your dog milk and cheese won't cause life-threatening illnesses, but it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems.
Use Caution: Human Snacks
Flavored potato chips can contain garlic or onion powder. Likewise, some cookies could contain raisins, chocolate, caffeine, or macadamia nuts. Keep your human snacks to yourself and get your dog his own doggy treats instead of sharing yours.
Keep this list of foods in mind when you're feeding your dog. Even if you're making homemade dog food, read through the recipe carefully and make your decisions about which ingredients to use accordingly. If you're concerned about something your dog has eaten, call your vet and discuss the situation promptly.


lucille lutz - Comment
lucille lutz08 Jan 2016Reply
I would like to know if you can feed dogs hot dogs and pork. I was told that ham and turkey is not good for them my littledog is 11 years 0ld

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