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How to Keep Fleas and Ticks at Bay

 by jaime on 19 Oct 2018 |
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No matter what type of dog you own or what other pets you have in the home, you need to make sure those animals are protected from fleas and ticks. Fleas and ticks are more than a mere annoyance - they can cause serious health problems as well. Taking the time to shop for the best flea and tick products is the best way to make sure all your animals are protected and healthy. Use Flea and Tick Products    Frontline  Frontline is one of the most popular flea and tick protection products for dog owners. This once a month protection is applied directly to the animal's skin, generally between the shoulder blades.    One of the advantages of Frontline protection is that it kills not only adult fleas and ticks, but flea and tick eggs and larvae as well. If you have cats in the home, you can purchase Frontline for cats and protect them as well.   K9 Advantix K9 Advantix by Bayer Animal Health is one of the most popular flea and tick protection products on the market as it's very accessible and affordable to dog owners.    K9 Advantix kills fleas and ticks, but it also kills mosquitoes - an important consideration for pet owners in many parts of the country. K9 Advantix is a spot-on program, with dog owners applying it in three or four spots along the animal's back, after first parting the hair so that the protection is applied directly to the skin. Maintain Good Hygiene   Flea Shampoos In addition to using flea and tick protection products, using natural flea shampoos is another option dog owners have for keeping their pets ticks and fleas at bay. In order to work effectively, the dog must be bathed regularly with a medicated shampoo that repels fleas and ticks. This topical treatment should be combined with regular vacuuming of the home to remove flea eggs and larvae.    Be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner bag immediately after cleaning the house to make sure the flea larvae and eggs are not inadvertently returned to the home. Using flea brushes and flea combs on a regular basis is important as well, and using flea shampoos, careful vacuuming and flea combs is an excellent way to keep those parasites at bay.   By using these products and practicing proper animal hygiene, you can keep those creepy crawlies at bay and increase the comfort level of all the pets in your home. Treating all of the pets in your home with quality flea and tick products is the best way to protect yourself and your four legged friends. Want to protect your furry friend from nasty fleas and ticks? Our online store stocks heavily discounted (up to 50% off) flea and tick products, including Frontline and K9 Advantix.   Image credit

7 Cat Breeds That Are Great With Kids

 by jaime on 22 Mar 2017 |
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If you have a young child (or multiple children) in your house, you might think that getting a cat is not a great idea. However, some cat breeds thrive around children, so it is smart to learn more about these breeds before choosing a pet. Here are some of the cats that are famous for being good with younger members of the family.    1. Ragdoll A Ragdoll is an obvious choice for a family with children, as their name is a reference to the way that they become loose-limbed and floppy when people hold them. They are very relaxed, calm cats who enjoy gentle play, and they appreciate being cuddled. As a bonus, their bright blue eyes are stunning, and they come in a range of dominant colors (from dark brown to pale lilac).   Image credit    2. American Curl Studies on cat behavior suggest that American Curls actually tend to prefer spending time with children rather than adults. Their name comes from their curled ears, and they are muscular, energetic cats who enjoy interactive games. When they become attached to someone, they will often rub their heads against that person's face.   Image credit    3. Maine Coon A Maine Coon can be an ideal companion for a child, as these cats absolutely love being around humans but are also perfectly happy to entertain themselves when company is absent. They are famous for following their owners to different rooms, and they bond equally with all members of a household. Their tufted ears also give them a very striking look, and they come in a wide range of colors.   Image credit    4. Siamese Most people can identify the shining blue eyes and stark points of a Siamese, but their compatibility with children is not common knowledge. These cats will carry on conversations with their owners, and have opinions about everything they see. Like dogs, they can be trained to play fetch with children, and they are also deeply affectionate.   Image credit    5. Bombay With their dark coats and golden eyes, Bombay cats resemble panthers. In terms of personality, you can expect a Bombay to be curious, sociable and very difficult to stress. This latter feeling makes them especially compatible with younger children who may still be learning how to touch cats. Although they love a good game, they are also peaceful lap cats and enjoy close contact.   Image credit    6. Exotic Exotics are flat-faced cats that resemble Persians, but they lack the need for constant grooming (so they are easier to care for if you have a busy life, as parents often do). Exotics are gentle, kind cats with relaxed personalities, and this is another breed that divides its time between enthusiastic play and sleepy cuddling.   Image credit    7. Birman A Birman resembles a Siamese in terms of point colors, and they are particularly good for large families who may want to add other children, cats or even dogs in the future. They are highly adaptable, vocal cats that make friends easily and love being given plenty of attention.   Image credit

5 Things You Need to Know About Owning a Basset Hound

 by jaime on 22 Mar 2017 |
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With their long ears, short legs, and droopy eyes, basset hounds are often portrayed in movies and TV as a comical and lazy dog breed. While this image may be true in some ways, you need a lot more information about these pups before you can decide if a basset is the right dog for you. Here is a look at five things you need to know about owning a basset hound.    1. They're laid back, but not always lazy  Bassets have a well-deserved reputation for being extremely easy-going, but you shouldn't assume that owning one won't involve any work. In fact, basset hounds were originally bred to be hunting dogs, and most of them love to go for long walks. Your dog is likely to get depressed if you don't make exercise a major priority, and obesity is a major issue among bassets that don't walk often enough. On the flip side, a basset will typically be extremely lazy at home. They tend to love snuggling up on the couch or getting stroked by a new friend.   Image credit    2. You need to have a sense of humor  As opposed to working dogs that focus primarily on the task at hand, basset hounds tend to be fairly "clownish," and you will need to have a sense of humor in order to make the most of owning one. Often, this tendency toward being a goofball will arise at the most inopportune times, such as when you are in a hurry, so you need to be willing to roll with the punches. Your dog is also likely to be extremely stubborn, so you will have more luck with your basset if you can see the humor in distinctly "unfunny" situations.   Image credit    3. Bassets drool all the time Next time you see someone walking a basset hound on the street, make note of how its face and ears look. You will notice that bassets are almost always covered in slobber. Since their skin is so droopy, these dogs tend to get dried drool caked onto their entire bodies much of the time. If you are turned off by an unkempt dog, then a basset probably isn't right for you.   Image credit    4. They're extremely vocal  Hounds in general have a reputation for baying, and bassets are no different. Be prepared for your dog to bay quite often-sometimes for no obvious reason. If you live in an apartment with neighbors who are likely to complain, then you are probably going to have trouble owning a basset. On the other hand, if you enjoy "talking" to your dog, then a basset hound might be the perfect breed.   Image credit    5. You'll need to care for skin, ears, and legs  All dogs are susceptible to certain health problems because of their shape and size. For bassets, the most common problem spots include their skin, ears, and legs. You should plan to clean ears at least weekly so that they don't get infected. Similarly, bacteria can get trapped in skin folds, so you will need to bathe your basset relatively often and always thoroughly towel dry your dog after a walk in the rain or snow. Your hound's legs are likely to become trouble spots as the dog gets older (after all, a basset has a lot of weight to support on such stubby ankles), but you can help your dog out by doing your best to prevent obesity. Feature image credit 

Winter Warmers: Keeping Your Pet Cosy This Winter

 by danielle on 21 Mar 2017 |
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Winter is fast approaching. Here are some great ways to keep your dog and cat warm in the colder weather to come!   Pet socks   Image credit   Come winter human feet get cold – and so do paws! Pet socks such as those by Muttluks and Top Paw keep pet toes warm in winter. The best come with grips or plastic bases on the bottom to keep your pet from sliding on tiles or wooden floors.   Image credit These socks are great for older dogs, not only for keeping them warm, but also for helping them get around without tripping on slippery floors.  Doggy Jackets    Matilda Faux-Leather Jacket by Charliescloset  Jackets are the go-to choice for keeping dogs warm – but don’t settle! A number of options are now on the market that are super-stylish as well as warming.  The Beau Geste wool hand-knitted by Doggie Warmers   Cosi Kilt Dog Coat by Highland Dog  Cozy Cushion   Image credit  Cozy Cushion is a cat bed that heats without electricity. Beneath the faux-fur exterior is a thermo-reflective material that uses your cat’s body heat to make the entire cushion toasty as a heated blanket. Not having in cords, when soiled, the bed can just be thrown into the washing machine.  K&H Thermal-Bowl    Image credit  We worry about our pet’s having enough bedding and shelter in winter – but what about your pet’s lips? The K&H Thermal-Bowl heats up water to a comfortable temperature so your pet’s tongue is kept cosy in the cooler months. It is also great for ensuring water is always accessible in areas prone to snow and ice. The bowl is self-heating with the temperature monitored by the bowl to ensure it stays at the correct level.    Cuddles!  Snuggle up to your pet and heat each other up with hugs!    Image credit    Image credit    Feature image credit

25 Cat Friendly Dogs

 by jaime on 21 Mar 2017 |
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Chalk and cheese, night and day, hot and cold. All famous opposites, but none are as well knows as the dog and the cat. Believed the world over to be arch-enemies and never to be left in the same room as one another. But few people know that behind the facade, these would-be nemesises actually get on, and are possibly even friends... If you are a dog or cat owner and are thinking you'd like a new furry friend to add to your family, but are unsure whether your existing pet would be able to play nice with an animal completely opposite to them - don't worry! We've compiled a list (in no particular order) of the top 25 breeds of cat-friendly dogs.  1. Pomeranian Small, but incredibly confident a Pomeranian could be the perfect match to a cat. Pomeranians are inquisitive, intelligent and loyal and after some socialisation could be a great little friend to any cat.    2. English Setter The English Setter is a beautiful dog. They usually have a placid temperment - especially as they mature. Affectionate, friendly and gentle, they enjoy socialising with all sorts of animals - yes, even a cat.    Image credit 3. Shih-Tzu Adaptable is a word you want to hear when looking for a breed to get along with a cat and a Shih-Tzu is certainly adaptable. Their personalities are bigger than their bodies which sometimes means they can become a little arrogant - so plenty of discipline will be required!    Image credit 4. Pug Curious, devoted and ever the clown, a pug could be a wonderfully entertaining addition to any household. With this great sense of humour comes friendliness and they get on very well with cats.    Image credit 5. Chihuahua Chihuahuas are little guys and a cat is more than likely to be quite a big bigger than them - but the two can get on famously - even taking naps together! While they are highly energetic, Chihuahuas like to share the same space with cats.    Image credit 6. Italian Greyhound Fond of sun-baking, Italian Greyhounds are cat-like in that respect. They are gentle and sweet dogs who get on very well with feline companions.    Image credit 7. Maltese Maltese are smart, fast-learning dogs with excellent manners! They love to please and immediately become great companions to cats.    8. Yorkshire Terrier They may be little, but Yorkies have BIG personalities. Inquisitive, clever and very agile - this little pooch is a great companion to any cat.    Image credit 9. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Working best with outgoing and and good-natured cats, the Cav can have a very playful relationship with a kitty. They are smart and are able to learn tricks easily making them a great addition to any household.    Image credit 10. American Eskimo  Extremely intelligent, alert, mischevious and affectionate, the American Eskimo could be a great companion to your cat.    Image credit 11. Boston Terrier The Boston Terrier is a cheerful dog who loves to play fetch. They are extremely good-natured and gets on well with cats, especially if they are brought up together.    12. Newfoundland They might be big, but Newfoundlands are gentle giants who are extremely docile, loyal and trustworthy. Their laidback nature is compatible with that of a cat.  Image credit 13. Chinese Crested It goes without saying, the Chinese Crested is an unusual looking dog. Cat lovers love the Chinese Crested because of its loving, playful nature.    Image credit 14. English Bulldog The English Bulldog is a lovable breed that has a sweet and gentle disposition. While they can be gruff around unfamiliar dogs, they get on very well with cats - and could even act as bodyguard!    Image credit 15. Shetland Sheepdog The Shetland Sheepdog is a very alert breed that is extremely easy to train. They have great tolerance and patience, which can come in handy when introducing them to a cat.    Image credit 16. Havanese These little dogs are incredibly happy and enjoy being in the company of their owners. Once they have been properly socialised, they get on very well with cats.    Image credit 17. Japanese Chin An affectionate and adaptable breed, the Japanese Chin can fit in to any household - including ones with cats.    Image credit 18. Papillon These little dogs are social butterflies who like to mix with other breeds and cats. They are outgoing and energetic and are extremely agile.    Image credit 19. Bichon Frise Clever, happy and curious, the Bichon Frise is a wonderful dog - especially so because they get on very well with cats thanks to their affectionate and cheerful attitude towards other animals.  Image credit 20. Bernese Mountain Dog Its shyness can be suprising, given it's large stature, but the Bernese Mountain Dog could be a great companion to a cat, given that they are a calm and tolerant breed who is known for being a great watchdog who is never agressive.    Image credit 21. Beagle Beagles are friendly and highly social dogs who are not territorial at all (except over food maybe!) Because of this, they are perfect for mixing with felines.  22. Bearded Collie Intelligent and independent - 'Beardies' are a good match for cats. These lovely dogs are always eager to learn and please people - even cats.    23. Boxer Boxers are happy, energetic and loyal and once they are properly socialised, get along very well with cats.    Image credit 24. American Cocker Spaniel Gentle, sweet, charming and devoted - the American Cocker Spaniel could spend many a day devoted to a cat.  Image credit 25. Golden Retriever  A popular dog, the Golden Retriever is lovable, energetic and intelligent. Friendly to everyone, with little guarding instincts, the Golden Retriever could be the perfect friend for a cat.       

Top 5 Pet Apps

 by danielle on 21 Mar 2017 |
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Technology has changed the way we live our lives, so much so, it's now streamlining how we care for our pets. Here are some top pet apps that are perfect for keeping your pet happy, healthy and safe.     Tagg – the Pet Tracker by SnapTracs, Inc.  Tagg is designed to keep track of your pet’s movements, whether they have escaped from their yard or are lounging about the house.    After attaching a lightweight, waterproof Tagg tracker to your dog’s collar, the app can tell you where and what your pet is doing at all times. Perfect for doggy escape artists, the app texts you an alert if your canine companion has left their yard, where they are now, and even gives you driving directions to their location on your iPhone.  The app is also useful for monitoring your pet’s activity levels. Are they running around the backyard all day or curled up in their bed? Charts produced by the app can allow you and your vet to make informed decisions about your pet’s health and exercise regime.    DoggyDatez by Appetite Lab  DoggyDatez is a great app for dogs and dog owners who love their walkies. The app is a location-based mobile platform that lets you ‘mark your territory’ in your normal walking zones. Just like your doggy friend, you can stake your claim on an area and see who else visits your spot.    It is a great way to meet other dog owners that use the app and you never know, you may find great friends to go walking with.  There is even an advanced search option that allows you to narrow down the type of dog and dog owners in your region. You can scan specifically for users and their pets by gender, age, dog gender, dog age and even dog breed.    Image credit   iCam by SKJM   iCam is a great app for pet owners who spend a lot of time out of the house. The app allows you monitor live video and audio webcam feeds from your home when you’re out and about and see exactly what your dog or cat is getting up to.    Users have the option of recording and playing back footage. Wondering if Fido or Kitty is sneaking into the bedroom where they’re not allowed? Set up a webcam and notify the app the room is a no-go zone and it will tell you if it detects any movement within those walls.  It can also be a great app for people wishing to monitor their pet’s stress levels when they’re not around, which is particularly good if your pet suffers from anxiety, have just moved or are travelling.    PetRescue by Crazy Dog Apps Looking for a friend for your dog or cat – or for yourself? Invented by teenager Brandon Cowen, the free PetRescue app makes it easier for you to scan through the thousands of animals living in rescue shelters looking for a home.    The app automatically detects your state and helps you single out what you’re looking for amongst the 6500 lost and abandoned Australian pets looking for new human to call their own.     Pet First Aid – Red Cross   Do you know exactly what to if your dog was bitten on a walk? Or if your cat ate something it shouldn’t and has suddenly begun looking ill? The Pet First Aid app lets you be prepared 24/7 with medical emergency advice at your fingertips.    Loaded with video guides and step-by-step instructions, the app lets you know exactly how to care for your pet in the event of an accident. The app also allows owners to record their pet’s medical information, such as dates of past vaccinations, any medications they are on and known allergies and conditions they may have.       

Ten Breeds You Should Consider if You're Looking For a Loving Cat

 by jaime on 21 Mar 2017 |
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For some, part of the appeal of a cat lies in the fact that they can be quite independent creatures that typically require less maintenance than the average dog. However, if you are actively searching for an affectionate, sociable cat that will love to spend time with you, it is well worth considering one of the following ten breeds.    Burmese Burmese cats are often described as 'bricks wrapped in silk' (due to their athletic, firm bodies and wonderfully soft coats). They are available in many different shades, from warm chocolate to exotic blue and have loud, expressive voices that demand immediate attention. The average Burmese is playful and active well into older age and can even be trained to do things like fetch a toy or obey basic commands. If your ideal cat is vocal, energetic and deeply interested in human behavior, a Burmese could be the perfect addition to your household.   Image credit    Manx While you may be taken aback by the fact that a Manx cat will have a stub instead of a tail (or no tail at all), these unique cats have some outstanding personality traits that make them highly endearing. They are deeply attached to their home environments, making them ideal house pets if you are unsure about letting a cat go outdoors and you can expect your Manx to be a curious, bold pet that loves to be close to you.   Image credit    Rex Rex cats are even more unusual looking, as they have a very short, very curly coat with gigantic ears that dwarf the size of their faces. The eccentric appearance of a Rex comes with a truly wonderful disposition, and will shower you with affection and enthusiasm. These cats love to impress their owners with crazy antics and they are passionate about playing.   Image credit    Ragdoll You may have heard of the ragdoll as these cats were specifically bred in order to be unusually compliant when held by their owners. This trait makes them highly pleasant to cuddle, and your ragdoll is likely to be the perfect lap cat. However, when they are not snuggling up to their owners, ragdolls enjoy playing and can often be trained to do basic tricks.   Image credit    Abyssinian Abyssinian cats are the very embodiment of elegance and have strikingly good looks. Their beauty is a mere bonus though, as these cats are so loyal and clever that they typically delight their owners on a daily basis. They can be difficult to source and may come with an expensive price tag but those who own Abyssinians will tell you that these cats are worth the cost.   Image credit    Siamese As long as you don't mind owning a cat that tries to have lengthy conversations with you while you make the dinner, tidy the house or try to work at the computer, a Siamese could make a great companion. In addition to being very vocal, these cats love to curl up on a warm lap or turn everyday activities into opportunities for play.   Image credit    Persian Some find the classic, flattened faces of Persian cats to be beautiful, while others think that these cats look rather squashed. However, it it's love that you are looking for then a Persian should definitely make your shortlist. These cats are very chilled out, passive companions who enjoy being held and stroked.   Image credit    Maine Coon Owning a Maine Coon requires you to be diligent about regular brushing, as these cats have long coats that need to be carefully protected from matting and tangles. In addition to being truly beautiful, Maine Coons have bags of energy, an intense interest in social interaction, and a fondness for play.      Birman Birmans have creamy looking coats and colored points that can be anything from burnt red to very dark brown. They are known for their high intelligence levels and tendency to form deep, lasting bonds with their human families.   Image credit    Tonkinese The Tonkinese offers the best traits of a Siamese and a Burmese in one gorgeous package. These cats are athletic, trainable, and may even enjoy going out for a walk on a leash. A Tonkinese is also an excellent choice for a busy household, as your pet will be delighted to meet new people.       

How To Keep Your Cat From Chewing Cables

 by alexandra on 06 Mar 2015 |
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Every cat is unique. Each has his or her own traits, personalities and habits. Some may even have the very dangerous habit of chewing on power cords. This is often a bad habit picked up as a kitten, and as a responsible cat owner it's up to you to prevent this from happening. It is no secret that playing with electrical cords is very dangerous, can cause electrocution and even death. So before even bringing home a kitten you should cat-proof your home. This means putting away any electrical chords that don't need to be out and managing the ones that do so that kitty doesn't see them as their new chew toy. Things like the fridge, dishwasher or washing machine can't be avoided, so just ensure that there isn't too much of a gap between the wall and the large appliance for your kitty to get to them. Other smaller appliances such as TVs, kitchen appliances and even computers should be switched off at the wall until your kitty can be trusted not to chew on them. Smaller portable items such as phone chargers should be put away so they are out of sight for kitty. Because they are smaller, twine-looking cords they are bound to catch their attention so save your charger and kitty and put them in a drawer when not in use. Don't overload your powerboards or double adaptors, not only is this a fire hazard but with the extra power being used this could do some serious damage to your cat.  If you ever see your cat knawing at a cord you should firmly tell them 'no' so they are aware that chewing on them will result in a negative response from you. If your cat gets an electrical charge or is electrocuted take them to a vet immediately.  Feature Article Image

Involving Children In Caring For Family Pets

 by alexandra on 03 Mar 2015 |
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When it comes time to get a family pet, kids make all kinds or promises about caring for it to the point you won't even notice the animal being in your home at all. Although kids have the best of intentions, the interest of caring for their new pet can ware thin after a few weeks leaving you with all the hard work. It is important to teach your kids not only the importance of being a responsible pet owner but you must also show them how to do this. Here are a few tips on how to involve your child in caring for their pet and in turn teach them how to become a responsible pet owner. Lead by example If your child sees you caring for the family pet by feeding it, cleaning up after it, exercising it and playing with it, he or she will want to play follow the leader and do as you do. You cannot expect your child to know how to care for a pet if you have not shown them how you do it. Remember, keep it fun and light hearted, as soon as they know you think it's a chore, it will become the same for them. Make it voluntary Don't force your child into it as this will only deter them further. Depending on their age ask for their help and if they choose to help good, if not, it's okay. You can start delegating tasks like walking the dog when the child is in their early teens but smaller tasks like helping feed the bird can be done from five years onwards. Positive reinforcement When your child shows initiative in caring for your pet, or when they perform a task you have asked them to help with make sure you give them the praise they deserve. Try not to get cross if they make a mess, or get things mixed up in the process, keep feedback positive. Remember, to tell them how their help is going to benefit the pet as this tends to resonate well with children. Respecting your pet's space Just like you and I, pets need their personal space. It is important to teach this to your children from a very early age. This is for safety and also for your pets comfort. Explain why it is important to respect their space as it better that they know the reasons why rather than just being told not to do something.  Here's a list of small tasks your child can help you with: Daily feeding and watering Letting you know when it’s time to purchase pet food and supplies Picking out treats and toys Daily walks and exercise Cleaning up after your pet (indoors and out) Bathing and brushing your pet Picking up your pet’s toys Teaching your pet new tricks Helping to ensure that your yard is secure so your pet can’t escape Keeping your pet’s bedding washed Keeping your pet’s leash and other gear where it belongs

Dogs And Their Stinky Breath

 by alexandra on 02 Mar 2015 |
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We've all experienced that absolutely horrible stinky breath after being given a big wet one by our dogs. And of course our instinct is to gag and then tell Fido just how aweful that smelled. However bad breath can be an indicator that something is not going right in your dogs belly or inside his or her mouth. Bad breath is the result of odor-producing bacteria in your dog's mouth, lungs or even their gut. If the smelly breath is ever-present then it may be a warning sign that your pooch needs better dental care or that he needs a check-up by the vet to ensure nothing more sinister is going on in his stomach, liver or kidneys. If you've tried to improve your dog's dental health by brushing their teeth and giving them dental bones to help aid their pearly whites then it might be time for your vet to start his or her investigation. Don't succumb to the old school way of thought that dogs just have smelly breath. A simple physical exam may find the cause, however in some cases some extra lab work may be needed in the form of a blood test, a swab of his or her mouth or even a stool sample. These will determine just where the problem is and how to treat it. Treatment will depend on what your vet diagnoses. If plaque is the cause your pooch may need a professional teeth cleaning which most vets offer. Sometimes diet may be the cause and you will need to change your dogs diet to suit. A balanced diet of quality meats and grain and filler-free dry kibble will help keep his or her insides happy. But if these aren't the treatments rest assured that your vet will give you the best advice on how to tackle this stinky problem. Here are a few preventative tips to help avoid another stinky kiss from your pup: Get regular check-ups with your vet. Brush your pet's teeth frequently using doggy toothpaste. Feed your dog grain and filler-free food to make digestion easier. Give your pooch hard and safe chew toys to help clean their teeth. Choose dental specific treats that will help your dogs dental health Feature Image Credit
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